A Public Forum

This blog has been created with the intention to become one of the most active social forums in India, where all those who use the internet, the so called literates can actually discuss day to day socio economic, cultural, political and all sorts of issues with fellow Indians in order to critically analyse and ascertain the actual status of the issue rather than believing the various versions of the different media. Hence if you are a patriotic Indian pledging to work for the cause, please do follow us and take part in the discussions. Make sure that you strictly restrict yourself from swears, adult contents and any jokes. Thank you all!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Now This Is The Main Reason Why NBSS Is Here People - To Erradicate Political Illieracy


  1. true to bertolt's words, the problems that which we face today is only because of lack of people interested in active politics.

    we are in great need of people who are not only interested in politics(by updating one self by reading headlines), but must also have a commmanding role to play by being a part of it..

    what is the way...? does this necessitates people to contest in elections...?

    how can one be an active member in politics...?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. one needn actively get involved, though it is expected from ever Indian Citizen to use his political rights to the fullest! Frankly, I was not a great fan of Indian politics too. But realized the need to at least be aware of whats going on and not fall prey to exploitation by ignorance!

    1. Aish,

      Here is the deal... involvement by public is of two kinds that is by voting and by contesting. While contesting is a choice, voting is a duty that has no choice but you have to do it. To make people realise that they are committing a crime, doing wrong to themselves by not involving actively in politics and selecting the right or the better group to run the things at state or national level, we will fight and that is the crux!

  4. even if ur not interested in either of the contesting parties, at least one should vote expressing that!
